List of items
If you need to display a table / list of products on your Joomla website, this is the extension for you. The "List of items" extension for Joomla allows you to transform rows and columns from an Excel sheet into a HTML table on your website.
The extension contains a build-in option to import data. All imported data are editable in the admin panel the common Joomla way, so it is really easy-to-use even for your clients.
In the front-end there are options to filter data in the table, for visitors to choose what they want to see.

From Excel to Joomla
Organize your data in Excel, save it in a .csv file, open the admin panel and import it, that's how easy it is.
- Option to import data.
- Easy-to-use.
- Common back-end UI design.
- Front-end filtering options.
- Pagination.
- Up to 20 columns for your data.
- Search plugin included.
- Outstanding support.
See it
- Component to display items.
- Module to display items.
- Module to display filters.
Search Plugin
Custom design
Do you need design adjustments? No problem, contact us!
.. see how it works
Download Package
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